Slipware Decoration Workshop

A structured course which will take you through many exciting techniques in slipware and decorative skills. We will cover: sliptrailing, pearling, sgraffito, mocha-ware, brushwork, slip resist and marbling. Recommended for those students with some previous experience in ceramics but a step-by-step guide will be given, making an enthusiastic beginner most welcome! Tutor: Sheila Hay




Entry Level

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee Other Fees
61194-01 04/06/25 02/07/25 Wednesday 14:00 16:00 £108 £27

What will I study?

A structured course which will take you through many exciting techniques in slipware and decorative skills. We will cover: sliptrailing, pearling, sgraffito, mocha-ware, brushwork, slip resist and marbling. Recommended for those students with some previous experience in ceramics but a step-by-step guide will be given, making an enthusiastic beginner most welcome! Tutor: Sheila Hay

How will I be assessed?

Continuous informal assessment

What qualification will I achieve?

There is no qualification for this course.

What can I do after completing this course?

You might be interested in our other creative courses.

Are there any extra costs?

No extra costs

Additional Info

Bring an apron, pen and note pad.