Slow down and Slow Stitch a small, drawstring rice bag and decorate it using simple hand embroidery. In the spirit of 'slow stitching' we will take a mindful approach, paying attention to our senses and focus, whilst being creative, playful and relaxed.
Hastings (Station Plaza)
Course Type
Options | Course Code | Starts | Ends | Days | From | To | Standard Fee |
61566-01 | 06/11/24 | 11/12/24 | Wednesday | 13:30 | 16:00 | -- | |
61566-02 | 04/03/25 | 01/04/25 | Tuesday | 10:00 | 12:30 | -- |
In this advanced class, come and learn new techniques and stitches, de-stress, and have fun creating your own unique Slow Stitch bag. Using recycled cloth, we will create a piece of personal artwork linked to mindfulness themes.
There is no qualification for this course but you will receive a certificate of attendance if you complete the course.
You can explore a variety of other courses within Community Learning or the adult college, including our Level 1 Award in Creative Crafts.
This course is free if you are in receipt of benefits or earn less than £25,000 per year (this includes pension income)*. Please select the relevant options when enrolling online.
There are no additional costs. All materials are provided.
*If you do not qualify for a free course the course fee will be £31.25
Please note: learners are limited to taking part in a maximum of SIX community learning courses throughout the academic year.
Please contact the Community Learning team on 030 300 38212 or for more information about this course.