Drawing And Painting: Beginners And Improvers

An exciting short course for Beginers and Improvers students, interested in Drawing and Painting. Come and join us to learn some new skillls or build on those you already have to create art work. Tutor: Caroline MacEvan




Entry Level

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
61032-02 24/04/25 22/05/25 Thursday 09:30 11:30 £62

What will I study?

An exciting short course for Beginers and Improvers students, interested in Drawing and Painting. Come and join us to learn some new skillls or build on those you already have to create art work. Tutor: Caroline MacEvan

How will I be assessed?

Continuous informal assessment

What qualification will I achieve?

There is no qualification for this course.

What can I do after completing this course?

Once you have completed this course you might be interested in our other creative courses.

Are there any extra costs?

Small costs, Tutor will advice on first lesson.

Additional Info

Do bring along whatever materials you have at home for the first lesson. Thereafter tutor will advice.