Summer School Stained Glass

Join us to learn more about and have a go at creating beautiful stained glass panels. You'll be able to work on projects based on your individual design preferences with an emphasis on colour, composition and architectural position.

This course is suitable for beginners and those with experience who are interested in stained glass techniques. Classes involve making a stained glass panel based on your individual design preferences with an emphasis on colour, composition and architectural position. Technical applications such as glass painting, printmaking techniques and kiln forming processes will be explored.

Please note: students will need to provide their own glass and lead, with details provided at the first session.


Hastings (Station Plaza)


Entry Level

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
61125-01 07/07/25 11/07/25 Monday-Friday 09:30 15:30 £180

Additional Info

This course will be 5 full days spread over two weeks.