
"Join us for an engaging and enjoyable two-day workshop where we'll explore this photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print.

Our expert tutor and talented artist, Tom Pope, will teach you how to print photograms and photographs using the historic photographic process cyanotype. During the first session, you will learn the process of mixing cyanotype solution, coating, exposing and washing prints while making your own photograms. In your second session, you will use digital negatives to print your own photographic images onto cyanotype."

This course is 3 sessions.


Hastings (Station Plaza)

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
50054-01 18/09/24 18/09/24 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30
50054-04 20/11/24 20/11/24 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30
50054-02 15/01/25 15/01/25 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30
50054-05 12/03/25 12/03/25 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30
50054-03 23/04/25 23/04/25 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30
50054-06 21/05/25 21/05/25 Wednesday 18:00 20:00 £30