Bookkeeping and Accounts Level 1 Eastbourne

Join us in Eastbourne for an introduction to bookkeeping and accounts. We'll teach you a range of basic bookkeeping techniques and show you how to prepare a range of financial documents.

This course is ideal for students looking to work in accounting and finance. It is also of interest to students who run their own business and want to know more about the accounting function.

Students should enjoy working with numbers.

We strongly recommend that students also enrol on the Computerised Accounts Level 1 course.




Level 1

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
enquire 60729-02 30/10/24 11/12/24 Monday 09:30 15:00 £180

What will I study?

During the course, you will learn and apply a range of basic bookkeeping techniques, including double-entry bookkeeping, and how to prepare simple trading and profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.

How will I be assessed?

You will need to sit an exam to achieve the qualification. Your exam will be during the last lesson of this course.

What qualification will I achieve?

Once you have finished this course, you will gain a Level 1 Certificate in Bookkeeping and Accounts awarded by City and Guilds.

What can I do after completing this course?

Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to progress to the Level 2 Bookkeeping and Accounts course.

Additional Info

When joining this course, you can also enrol for Computerised Accounts Level 1 to boost your skills.