Spring Florals Course

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the delightful world of floristry? Look no further than our exclusive 4 week spring florals course! Join us for a journey through the enchanting season of spring, where you will learn the timeless craft of floral arranging while surrounded by the beauty of nature.




Entry Level

Course Type



Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
61210-01 10/03/25 31/03/25 Monday 12:15 14:15 £45

What will I study?

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the delightful world of floristry? Look no further than our exclusive 4 week spring florals course! Join us for a journey through the enchanting season of spring, where you will learn the timeless craft of floral arranging while surrounded by the beauty of nature.

How will I be assessed?

By continuous observation and feedback by the instructor

What qualification will I achieve?

There is no qualification for this course.

What can I do after completing this course?

We have other courses in flower arranging that you might like to join.

Are there any extra costs?

Each week you will be informed of the materials and flowers to bring.

Additional Info

Please bring for the first week: a bunch of spring flowers, sturdy scissors, gloves, string and apron (optional).