Find out what help we provide

Student Support

Degree Level Study

We’ll make sure that your university experience is the best it can be

University isn’t all about learning, it’s the whole experience. It’s about collecting unforgettable memories, gaining life-long friendships and equipping yourself with the skills required for a successful and happy future.

Our campus organisers and support teams are here to support you throughout your time with us, whether it’s joining a society, having a student voice, or dealing with the ups and downs of university life.

We will support you in every way we can so that you can get the most out of your degree.

Student Union

When you join us, you’ll automatically become part of our Students’ Union. That means you’ll have a great support network, be able to use various resources, take part in social activities and trips, and gain access to funding to enhance your learning.

Tonisha and Melissa are our HE Students' Union officers and look after our students in Hastings, Eastbourne and Lewes. They are always on hand to talk to you about your studies, student life and all the things you can get involved with during your time with us.

You can read our Student Protection Policy below.


We're serious about studying and that's why we've provided specialist staff, and created dedicated adult areas, for you to focus and learn.

Our HE Academic and Wellbeing Mentors are available to help you with your academic research, writing and referencing. Each campus also has a dedicated adult space, or Higher Education hub, where you can relax, make a coffee, or login to get some work done.

In addition, our Learning Resource Centres are full of computers, quiet spaces, books, e-journals, and other resources for you to research, write, and reference. The LRC staff will even proofread your work.

Support is also available if you need additional help due to a disability, medical condition, mental health or specific learning difficulty (see below).


Our dedicated Additional Learning Support team can inform and guide you throughout your studies, or during your transition to Higher Education. Our professionally trained and experienced team are committed to removing any barriers that prevent you from learning.

They can provide information and advice on accessing support for needs resulting from a range of difficulties including: Autism, mental health and well-being, physical disabilities, learning difficulties, visual impairment, and hearing impairment.

Specialist SPLD tutors are registered to deliver to students receiving Disabled Students Allowance for non-medical help at the Hastings campus. You can find our rates here.

To contact the additional learning support teams across the campuses please see below.


If you are 19 years old and over you will be able to receive advice from the National Careers Service (NCS). Telephone calls are free and the service is open from 8 am – 10 pm seven days a week. Face-to-face advice is also available on 0800 100 900.

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